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Henry Cass

Producer of distinction with wide experience in theatre, opera and film

Henry Cass was a producer of distinction and wide experience in theatre, opera and film. He ran outstanding seasons at The Old Vic in London, with productions especially of Shakespeare and Shaw. He produced Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Richard III, The Taming of the Shrew and King Lear, as well as Shaw's St Joan and Major Barbara, and a new version of Peer Gynt. He produced Julius Caesar in modern dress in 1939. His productions of opera at Covent Garden include Carmen in 1946. He made many films, both for cinema and television. At the Westminster Theatre in London he directed The Diplomats, Mr Brown Comes Down the Hill, Mr Wilberforce MP, Happy Deathday and the musical Annie, as well as directing three seasons of the pantomime Give a Dog a Bone. He directed the film of Mr Brown Comes Down the Hill and the film of Give a Dog a Bone. He was a modest man of genius, who brought fresh insight and original thinking to every production that he touched.