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Klär Wilhelmsen

She was born on April 30, 1928 and raised near St. Gallen, with six brothers and sisters. It was a long-standing family tradition in the Widmer family to care for the needy, and her parents ran an institute for 40 needy children. After teaching there for a few years, Klär left her job to become a "permanent" member of Moral Re-Armament. She spent years in Asia and America, where she became the trusted cook at Dr. Buchman's home in Arizona.

In 1964 she married Jens Jonathan and their home became the center of IofC in Oslo. They have two daughters and eight grandchildren. Camilla has just been appointed member of the IofC International Council.

Klär was able to speak truthfully to the people around her, and to be sometimes very direct and frank in her words. And even if it hurt a little at the time, what she said to you could be useful later on. She could be strict but sometimes surprised people with her freedom from rules and principles. And despite the fact that she lived her whole life in a community where many members had strong opinions, she was guided by the spirit and not the letter.

Klär's faith was not primarily intellectual. That is why she still had so much to give, even though her intellect was weakening. The last months of her life were not free of hardship, but even in the midst of suffering, there was a sense of rest and peace about her. She follows the path in the setting sun. She observes the flowers, especially the butterfly orchids that she loved so much. She is thinking about something. She smiles...

She passed away on July 23, 2015. 

Additional names
Nombre de soltera Widmer
Birth year
Death year
Primary country of residence
Additional names
Nombre de soltera Widmer
Birth year
Death year
Primary country of residence