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The Natal Mercury

Daily newspaper in Natal, South Africa
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Director of Land Forces said at All-Africa MRA Assembly, "You have something stronger than most weapons we soldiers carry."
Moral Re-Armament campaign brought better understanding between Chamber of Mines and Mine Worker Union leaders.
The answer to the ills of the world will not be found in ideologies.
The dissatisfaction found everywhere will not disappear until Mankind decides to rid itself of disregard for spiritual values.
'The Forgotten Factor' play is a most forceful and impressive application of the lesson.
More than one hundred and eighty Oxford Group supporters meet in Umkomaas, Natal, South Africa
Movement attracts deep interest.
Keynote of the play is the philosophy that wherever strife exists, more progress can be gained by saying "I'm sorry."
Cast of "The Forgotten Factor" meet Mayor, Town Clerk and other dignatories at reception on board ss. Clan Sinclair in Durban.
Group Captain Pat Foss O.B.E. and Mrs Foss in South Africa en route to trouble-scarred Kenya.
Documentary recording the fortunes of Japanese delegaton to Caux conference, shown in Durban, South Africa.






South Africa