Daily newspaper, South Africa
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Ten participants from the same farming community of Vaalhartz, take part in musical show.
Kenyan Chief Jonathan Barbasa says: "People are looking for an answer. If they don't get the right one they take the wrong one."
The need is for goodwill, not only between nation and nation but between man and man, in countries, homes and in lives of people
Mayor of Kimberley, Mr J P Smit welcomes Springbok Stampede to city.
President of China, Marshal Chiang Kai-Shek and his wife pledge full support to Frank Buchman.
China's Vice President, Dr Chien Liefu invited Dr Buchman to China for 2,500th anniversary of the birth of Confucius.
H. W. "Bunny" Austin accused all-England lawn tennis club at Wimbledon of discrimination.
"Bitterness and hatred were my immediate reactions," said Agnes Hofmeyr.
They were ready to understand that the future of democracy was a responsibility resting on the shoulders of each one.
Sixty Rhodesian youth present 'Sing Out Rhodesia' at the Kimberley theatre, South Africa