Hoppa till huvudinnehåll

Choice for an impatient world

Filmed report of a conference held at the Westminster Theatre, London, 1977

Filmed report of a conference held at the Westminster Theatre, London, May 27 to June 5th 1977.
Speakers of the conference are filmed in snyc, including :
A.R.K (Archie) Mackenzie
Soli Sorabjee, (Additional solicitor General, India)
Habib Uhr Rahman (Executive Member, UK Islamic Mission)
Dharmpal Singh (Post office engineer, London)
The dates the conference ran for were May 27 - June 5, 1977.
Speakers of the conference are filmed in snyc, including:
A.R.K (Archie) Mackenzie
Soli Sorabjee, (Additional solicitor General, India)
Habib Uhr Rahman (Executive Member, UK Islamic Mission)
Dharmpal Singh (Post office engineer, London)
Spyros Stephou (Assistant Collector of Customs, Cyprus)
Alvin Manitopyes (Canada)
Rakai Tomoana (New Zealand)
Conrad Hunte (former vice-captain, West Indies Cricket Team)
Dick Cosens Auew (Chairman Action Committee for European Aerospace)
John Vickers (Chairman Vickers Oils, Leeds)
Reg Parsons (Senior Steward British Layland, Cowley)
Dougie MacGregor (Coal face worker, Solsgirth Mine, Fife)
Jane Lindsay (SRN Churchill Hospital, Oxford)
Angela Cook (SRN Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford)
Dr. Valerie Robertson (Research fellow, Aston University)
Brian Boobbyer (former Rugby International)
Marjory Wise (housewife, London)
Teame Mebrahtu (African educator)
Peter Dolan (Student, Oxford University)
Vanessa Clark (teacher)
Dexter Chavunduka (Senior official Rhodesian Ministry of Agriculture)
Alec Smith (son of Prime-Minister Ian Smith, Rhodesia)
Rev. Arthur Kanodereka (Treasurer General UANC, Zimbabwe)
Marie van Selm (South Africa)
Professor Reader (University of Rhodesia)
Henry Macnicol (Rhodesia)
Peter Hannon (Author, South Africa)



Producerad av
MRA Productions
Originalets lagringsplats
Tillstånd för publicering
Not established
Publiceringstillstånd avser FANW:s rätt att publicera hela videoinnehållet i denna film på denna webbplats.


Producerad av
MRA Productions
Originalets lagringsplats
Tillstånd för publicering
Not established
Publiceringstillstånd avser FANW:s rätt att publicera hela videoinnehållet i denna film på denna webbplats.