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The light of Tomorrow

A true story dedicated to all who are eager to build a new world.

Titles at the beginning say : "A revolutionary chemical worker from Milan, twice condemned to death for his convictions in the turmoil of post-war Italy. He has been invited to speak to you at the end of the play."
Story about a family (Ferrari) where the wife has suspicions about her husband having a mistress and about her daughter wanting to get married with a bad boy (Aldo). Mr. Ferrari is a union leader and tries in vain to obtain improvements of the working conditions by talking to the directors. Aldo tries to convince one of the directors and his family that a "positive ideology" would be a good thing. The director listens to him. Aldo has an accident and must have bed rest. During this time he asks his uncle, whom he has been jealous of, for forgiveness. The factory director comes to visit Aldo, who puts things right with him, being honest about the accident. The director thanks him and says "you made me have a real look at myself; I always thought I was right." He changes his policy in the company. "From now on my policy is going to be what is right, not who is right." A happy end brings forgiveness between the characters for the hate they used to have.
At 52 mins the author of the play gives a talk.



Producerad av
Moral Re-Armament
Originalets lagringsplats
Tillstånd för publicering
Publiceringstillstånd avser FANW:s rätt att publicera hela videoinnehållet i denna film på denna webbplats.


Producerad av
Moral Re-Armament
Originalets lagringsplats
Tillstånd för publicering
Publiceringstillstånd avser FANW:s rätt att publicera hela videoinnehållet i denna film på denna webbplats.