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Indian Opinion

South African newspaper
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Inspiring play performed at Gandhi Hall, Durban.
The key to new statesmanship is new statesmen.
Tyrants are blinded by their own self-magnification.
Good kind people line the battle fronts on both sides.
An international group arrived in South Africa to tour with the play 'The Forgotten Factor'.
'The root problem is the selfishness of all of us which makes social injustice and war possible,' said Peter Howard
Farmer, Piet Naude, changes his attitude towards his farm workers.
Vice President of Miner's Union told assembly that 'The Forgotten Factor' in South Africa had opened a new era of life for him.
Farmer, Piet Naude told conference how a new relationship was built with his farm workers.
Mineworker's Union Secretary said, "Moral Re-Armament has provided the common ground for people of all points of view in S. A."
Hon J. F. T. Naude said, "Here at Caux I have seen something that changes nations and changes ideologies."
Advocate J W Godfrey, President of Indian National Congress, Durban, addresses 1,000 delegates at Caux conference, Switzerland.
Parliamentary delegation representing three major parties in South Africa House of Assembly to attend Caux conference.
One thousand, two hundred people from 32 countries including representatives from 13 parliaments attend international conference






South Africa