The Ottawa Evening Citizen (now Ottawa Citizen) is a Canadian daily newspaper published since 1845.
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'Sin is anything that keeps you from God or another person,' said Dr Frank N.D. Buchman
Rev Browne, Ottawa writes, "One thing is clear, The Oxford Group Movement defies explanation along academic lines of discussion.
Amazing response illustrated by large numbers of older and younger women attending the meeting.
Members were entertained to lunch at the Chateau by Premier Rt. Hon. R.B. Bennett.
Quietly, simply, and in a friendly manner, the Oxford Group gave a non-theologial, undogmatic religious message to thousands.
Rev Norman Rawson wrote that The Oxford Group is 'surcharged with hope from the ministerial angle.'
Growing out of the needs of our own generation, it has helped many people discover real religion for the first time.
Rev P P W Zieman writes how grateful he was for the Oxford Group's visit, making 'the naturalness of Christianity' plain.
'Messengers of a vital religious experience have brought us great help', says Rev A P Menzies.
There can be no doubt the time is long overdue for a revival of religion.
'The demand for transparent honesty is inexorable,' said Rev J.W.H Milne.
Many local men and women prepared to continue to proclaim message brought by visitors.