The archives of IofC Norway are housed in a small room in the basement of Sophus Lies Gate, the IofC Centre in Oslo.
The archives of IofC Norway are housed in a small room in the basement. A superb job has been done by the late Knut Dale to catalogue all the books, in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, English, German. There are two card index files, one by title and one by author.
There are also many files of periodicals, Norwegian and other, as well as boxes of letters, files of all the press clippings mentioning MRA over the years, etc.
Sturla Johnson has continued the big task of putting all the material in order.
Archive reference numbering system for all items:
Example 09_001_004. 09 = Box number, 001 = Folder number, 004 = Item number
Books in Norwegian
Books in Danish, Swedish and German
Books in English
1249 resultat
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Geografisk plats
Sophus Lies Gate 5, Oslo