
South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.


The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Reinforcement of 'life changers', 18 of them arrived in Toronto to join the first team of the Oxford Group.
A programme of original songs with universal flavour
Band of young Rhodesians following in the footsteps of the Moral Rearmament - inspired Springbok Stampede musical show.
Thanks to the work of Rhodesians calling themselves the 'Cabinet of Conscience', Smith and Mugabe met on eve of independence.
Visitors spread ideas of absolute honesty and unselfish living through medium of entertainment and personal example.
Dr W. F. Nkomo calls for urgent dialogue between Government and the urban African.
Sounds of the South (formerly known as Springbok Stampede) visits Moçambique
Zimbabwe has become an important new factor in the Southern Africa equation.
Moral Re-Armament World Assembly receives South African politicians.
South Africans and Zimbabweans visit Northern Ireland
Rhodes Scholar said, "I want to see moral rearmament principles become authority in our national life in South Africa."
Sing Out 65 perform in Hollywood Super Bowl
Stories from Southern Africa in 1977.
'Principles of honesty, purity, unselfishness and love, are the standards which God has given to every human to live by.'
Mr Desai, leader of the Indian Community of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, spoke at presentation of Peter Howard's play, 'The Real News'.
'I have had to do an enormous back somersault and change my attitudes,' Savory said when speaking at Caux in about 1976.
Farrar Vickers 1882-1977, the story of a family business with ethics at its heart.
"More contact between South African sportsmen and those of other countries might soften South African attitude," said Hunte.


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