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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

National Socialism has been defeated - only Christian ideology for democracy can give sure foundation.
An Address by His Grace Dr. Bernardus Kaelin.
The first major biography of Frank Buchman, the American Lutheran minister who started MRA.
Speaking at ceremony, Rajmohan Gandhi said, "We expect Kenya to be in the lead in a new kind of revolution against materialism."
Six hundred people attended meeting in banquet hall of the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. International speakers.
Seeking moral revolution
Autobiography of rugby Springbok and church minister, George Daneel.
Outobiografie van rugby Springbok en predikant, George Daneel
Dr Richter, Counsellor of German Embassy, New Delhi, bestows the highest German order on Dr Frank Buchman for peacebuilding.
Germany rapidly assuming a new dignity and purpose.
International delegation visits Germany following World War II.
An address by Roland Wilson at 'Women of the Hour' 7 July 1966.
Stories from a headmistress who worked in India for 40 years.


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