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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Springbok Stampede, with 34 teenagers taking part, had its debut in Cape Town.
Way to national reconstruction.
"My union (I.C.F.T.U.) has been used to bring an attack on M.R.A.," said Sibnath Banerjee, Pres. of Hind Mazdoor Sabna, India.
Mr James Haworth, president of I. C. F. T. U. said report condemning Moral Rearmament is misrepresenting the facts.
M.P., H.J. Klopper says, "I shall do my utmost to help my nation follow ideology of Caux."
Members of both Houses of Parliament attended a meeting in the Senate library to meet the cast of Forgotten Factor in Cape Town.
General Secretary of the Mine Workers' Union found guilty by Johannesburg Regional Court of accepting a bribe.
"Men are hungry for bread, for peace and for the hope of a new world order," said Dr Frank N. D. Buchman
Mr Hoymeyr said South Africa seemed unaware of Communist activities outside its own boundaries.
Story of "The Real News", written by former journalist, Peter Howard, takes place in the office of a big London newspaper.
Speaker of House of Assembly, Mr Conradie and President of the Senate, Senator C.A. van Niekerk on invitation committee.
'Time to Choose', a team between ages of 17 and 30, representing 14 countries and four continents, will visit the Western Cape.
"I discovered the dishonesty in my past leadership which was based on selfish motives....," wrote Dr W.F. Nkomo
Moral Re-Armament campaign brought better understanding between Chamber of Mines and Mine Worker Union leaders.
The cynic who said man cannot be reformed by meetings is mistaken.
Mr Gandhi said he regarded the present venture in South Africa as one of the most crucial experiments in the world today.
Rajmohan Gandhi in South Africa to observe firsthand 'the changing scene in South Africa."
Propagating the spirit of unselfishness and co-operation in industry and at home.
Far-reaching structural changes are needed in all camps. But what about man himself?


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