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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

"Learn to dream" was Conrad Hunte's message to boys in Soweto.
Seriously ill Frank Buchman, Founder of Oxford Movement, receives prayers of people around the world.
Unless "we can create something new in race relationships on this continent, all Africa could easily become Mau Mau."
An outstanding feature of international assembly at Caux, Switzerland, has been response of 1,600 convinced Marxists.
Stalin's onetime Commissar for Forestry and member of the Politburo of the U.S.S.R visits MRA international conference.
The answer to the ills of the world will not be found in ideologies.
Mayor of Hiroshima hands camphor tree cross to Mayor of London, Sir Frederick Rowland
Godwin Lewanika, Founder and first President of the Northern Rhodesian African Congress welcomed participates to meeting.
Two visiting teams of Oxford Group
Governor General and Mrs G. Brand van Zyl and parliamentarians attend show of "The Forgotten Factor" in Cape Town.
What Christ has done for each one is related by speakers at meeting
Having survived three aircraft crashes Coulter felt God had saved his life.
"Moral Rearmament has done for my union what no other force could ever have achieved," Secretary of Mineworkers' Union, S. A.
"M. R. A. is a force created by God to meet the need of the world today," said Rev George Daneel.
A British historian and author looks at the men and women 'whose insight and experience have pointed a way forward'.
The world is full of difficult people. The question is how to change them.
South African M.P.s representing United, Nationalist, Afrikaner and Labour Parties to attend World Assembly for MRA at Caux.


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