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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

British actress Norah Caulfield decides to make her home in Johannesburg and produce plays using African actors.
"It must begin with the individual, but it must not rest there."
"From the individual it must go to the class and to the nation."
Moral Re-Armament team including Dr Norval, Chairman of Board of Trade, arrive in South Africa
The incident affords an interesting in-sight into MRA methods.
Followers rub shoulders in life-changing campaign.
Many Oxford undergraduates and Dons give testimony to an audience of 5,000 in London.
Some who have seen Moral Re-Armament advertisements, may feel a certain sympathy for the movement's seemingly worthy ideals.
A headmaster confesses to 'lying'.
Notes from occasions with Frank Buchman.
'I'd like to see a newspaper with imagination enough to run a page a week of changed lives,' said Rev Sam Shoemaker.
Are we turning the world upside down?
Africa has been assigned to China to communise.
"Ah, fear!" said the Cardinal. "That is the root of our problems here too."
An unpublished, one-page poem written by Henry Macnicol for Christmas 1950
Real stories giving hope that lives can change.


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