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Dorli Milt

Dora Milt passed away on August 25, in her 80th year after a long illness. Dorli, as people liked to call her, was ready to go: she had prepared her funeral service, her addresses were in order, she had written some notes about her life which the young German pastor of the parish could use.

In 1946 Dorli gave up her job and her apartment and joined a large group of Swiss men and women who wanted to work for a moral and spiritual rearmament in Europe. This work, focused on reality, corresponded to his understanding between Christians and Muslims. 

When she reached her seventy years, Dorli felt that after years of traveling, she needed to find a place to stay. This was not easy. After much uncertainty, an old school friend offered her a charming little apartment in his building. Dorli felt comfortable there; she met her old and new friends and lived her last years there rather quietly, with an astonishing inner freedom.

Dorli was a sportswoman and, in particular, a passionate skier, but she was not sentimental; she hated showing off but excelled in correspondence: how many friends, close or far, did her letters, written in her beautiful, regular handwriting, bring joy to them? We will always remember her with gratitude.

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