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Maya Fiaux

Maya Fiaux was born on May 29, 1941 and grew up in Evilard, near Biel, with her parents and two sisters. She studied in Berne and Paris to become a secondary school teacher.

After two and a half years teaching in Bolligen near Berne, she decided to leave this job to work full-time with Moral Rearmament. For many years, she supported the international conferences in Caux while taking part in various practical tasks: table service in the dining room, telephone exchange, kitchen and finally room service, for which she was responsible for 30 years.

In 1978 she married Jean Fiaux, with whom she spent two years in Australia, followed by a stint in India; later they traveled as far as Samoa, Fiji, Taiwan and Hong Kong to support local teams. In retirement, she lives near Lausanne, and continues to be active in the "Femmes artisans de paix" network, leading "peace circles".

Birth year
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Birth year
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