It was a turbulent time in the mid-1960s: We were in the midst of a cold war; America was being torn apart with racial strife and deeply divided over the Vietnam War; and there was a worldwide eruption of youth, demanding a voice in their affairs and the affairs of their countries. The only policy seemed to be, "How quickly can we shut them up?" J. Blanton Belk thought that if we could harness that energy and give them a positive voice it might touch the world.
"Up with People is not just an organization, it is not a corporation, it's not even a show. Up with People is a spirit. It's the spirit of understanding, it's the spirit of love, it's the spirit of freedom, and it's the spirit of peace." J. Blanton Belk, 2004
"On February 4, 2020, I celebrated my 95th birthday with family and friends. When I was asked what I felt about the future I said, "Of course at my age you're thinking about it but I've come to a basic conviction - those who die with the most unfinished dreams win, so I'm dreaming like never before and making big plans! Part of that plan is to invite all family and friends around the world to my 100th birthday! Godspeed and good health!"